Saturday, 13 March 2010

Plans for a school at Convoy's Wharf

Readers might be interested in a post over on Green Ladywell detailing the answers to various questions asked of the Mayor & Cabinet, one of which relates to plans for a school at the Convoy's Wharf development. I know that this is an issue that many of my readers are concerned about. I say you 'might' be interested because of course the answer is rather bland, not surprising considering that elections are in the offing.

Question by Councillor Luxton of the Deputy Mayor
Further to my question in June 2009, have Council officers had any recent discussions with the owners of Convoys Wharf about the proposals to build a school on the site? Have the discussions focussed purely on primary school provision, or have officers discussed including some secondary school provision? Please can you also confirm whether any discussions have taken place with Greenwich Council about Lewisham using the now closed Charlotte Turner Primary School, which is almost adjacent to the Convoys Wharf site?

The Council is now in ongoing discussions with Hutchison Whampoa, the owners of Convoys Wharf, regarding their proposals for the site. The Council is seeking to secure the delivery of a primary school on the site together with a contribution to the cost of providing off-site secondary school places.

A variety of options are currently being considered about how to expand our primary place as well as ensure sufficient decant space is available for our building programmes. Officers are liaising with their counterparts in other boroughs so that a strategic response can be taken across borough boundaries.


  1. Charlotte Turner-a great little school surrounded by green spaces and mature London Plane trees, home Zone 20 mile an hour traffic restriction, it's a mystery why it closed in the first place. anyone know why? it would be great if Lewisham were to take it over, it would be even better if we could push Greenwich Borough back over Deptford Creek, notice how all of a sudden we are seeing GGGGGrrrrrrrreenwich Creekside plastered all over?

  2. Apparently it got a bad Ofsted report - there's a story here. I agree, it's crazy that a school with 75% of its pupils coming from Lewisham borough should be under Greenwich's control.

  3. From what I know from working at a primary just the other side of the border is that Charlotte Turner seemed to have a long legacy of poor leadership, low attainment, consequent poor reputation and Greenwich simply got fed up of relaunching the school. Most of the children are at Deptford Park or Tidemill now. As I understood it the CT site was likely to be reused as a school at some future point.

  4. an intriguing and enticing precedent Jonathan, perhaps this means we can look forward to Councils being closed for "a long legacy of poor leadership, low attainment, consequent poor reputation" !
