Friday, 26 March 2010

Going for a song

This Saturday sees the second Going for a song 'vintage open mic/vintage market' event at the Amersham Arms in New Cross.

It happens on the last Saturday of every month - according to organiser Julie, last month's was a roaring success. "We had all sorts of singers / musicians and performers playing everything from Fats Domino to Johnny Cash with a little Nina Simone, Dolly Parton and George Formby in between. Though the emphasis is on the 'vintage open-mic, and local Goldsmiths music students feature highly on the bill, we welcome everyone from legendary ukulele players to local vocal hipsters," she says.

"On the jumble /vintage market side of things we've got some ace stallholders – having just confirmed Adamadamadam (a new t.shirt designer just featured on 'Skins'), 'Bon Bon Books' who make notebooks from vintage trash pulp novels, vintage men's clothing from London fashion blog and women's vintage clothes, shoes, accessories from a plethora of lovely local retro beauties including Belle Coco in Crystal Palace.

"So it's a South East London affair with cakes to die for (the guinness cake made by Julie Madly Deeply sold out in seconds last time), music to swing to and bargains to bag. I've even just come back from Berlin myself with a host of GDR vintage German movie posters!" Julie says.

"It's 12-6 this Saturday, free entry and watch out for photographers from Elle Finland who are doing an article on us!"

The group has a blog here or you can contact Julie about stalls (there are vacancies for next month's event) by emailing goingforasongjumble at gmail dot com, or Tanya for music questions on goingforasongmusic at gmail dot com.

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