Wednesday, 24 February 2010

Deptford changes

Do you want to know why no work has been started on the railway station yet (contract award imminent I believe) or what plans the council has for cracking down on rat-running along the High Street at rush hour? Perhaps you're wondering what's going to replace the wonky street furniture on Giffin Square, or confused about the parking charges at the new boulevard?

Or maybe you just want to get your face painted and tell people what you like about the High Street?

Whatever your gripe or query, get yourself down to Giffin Square this Friday or Saturday and visit the exhibition trailer for all the answers (or not).

The exhibition will be there from 1-6pm on Friday, and from 10-4pm on Saturday. The Deptford Steel Pan Band will be playing from 12-3 on Saturday, and there's a children's storyteller at 3.45pm on the Friday. There's 'all-day face painting' and a balloon artist.

Apparently there will be updates on the station, Tidemill School and the Deptford Lounge, the high street and New Cross links. Your chance to say what sort of services and 'art installations' you want to see in the lounge.

Apologies for the short notice but I've only just found out about it myself.


  1. I can't believe it takes all day to paint a face!

  2. Thanks for posting that - I didn't know about it.

    Rant alert:

    Lewisham council, while perfectly capable of sending correspondence about the rates and notifying me of a 13% hike in my council rent n a recession (well, someone has to pay for it, don't they?), are not capable of delivering Lewisham Life to us.

    How were Deptford people supposed to find out about this - after all, we're helping to pay for it and it's about Deptford?

    End of rant.

  3. Quite, Marmoset. I thought it was rather piss poor, if I'm totally honest. As for Lewisham Life, by the time we get it it's usually well out of date. However you can read it online (if you remember) - and goodness, I see there's even a podcast now!

    @gareth gardner - I just hope it's not permanent face painting, like Young Kenny gets in Phoenix Nights!

  4. I seem to get about one edition in three of Lewisham Life if I'm lucky, and in a bizarre crime-promotion measure they left my last copy sticking out of my letterbox. So thanks from me, too: I'd heard nothing about this.

  5. As a little update:

    I looked at the Lewisham council website a couple of days ago, searched under News and then Events but could find nothing about this exhibition. I looked again today, and lo and behold, they had posted up the online publicity yesterday - i.e. the day the exhibition opened.

    All in all, the effort made to inform Deptford residents about what's planned in Deptford has been shambolic, to say the least.

    And guess what? Inside the linen ''Deptford is changing'' shopping bag I was given as I left the exhibition trailer was a consultation paper, soliciting comments about the proposals. So it turns out that there is a ''Public consultation Feb 2010'' going on. In this case, the ''public'' part means hidden in a bag by the door of a trailer that most Deptfordians wouldn't know was going to be there because the council didn't tell us. Did anyone know that there was a consultation going on?

    Oh dear, I think I might have slipped back into rant mode.
