Saturday, 13 February 2010

Another Tesco in Deptford

I haven't really written about the 'Theatro' development of apartments that's currently approaching completion on Creek Road - mainly because it is relatively small compared to the other local sites, but also because it is similar in size and scale to the other new blocks along that stretch of road.

As usual the marketing blurb tells you that you are 'moments' from the glories of Greenwich in this exclusive development of 48, 1,2 and 3-bed apartments.

But what's this? Spotted last night, this intriguing notice on the side of the hoardings.

Sure enough, if you look at the ground floor plan of the development, there's sufficient space for a Tesco Metro or something similar.

Not content with having a foothold in the locality, Tesco intends to get Deptford in a pincer manoeuvre, slowly draining off the High Street's trade from both ends.


  1. Another one?! That is one to much for the area. There are too many in the locality. Even a small Sainsbury's, Asda or M&S would be more welcome.

  2. @SE8KER the good news on that score is the the Somerfield in Greenwich is in the process of metamorphosing into a Coop - already a huge improvement in the quality of the food on its shelves, and an alternative to M&S.

  3. Well I'm delighted - living near Theatro I usually have no option but to trudge down to M&S (and pay premium prices for quality).

    I don't think you can assume that everyone who shops here will desert Deptford High Street - some of us never shop there at all I'm afraid!

    Please don't stop this part of Deptford getting a Tesco branch - the only supermarkets in this area are the appalling Nisa/Costcutter (check those products carefully often they are out of date!)

    Roll on the large Waitrose planned for the new Greenwich Reach development I say ;-)

  4. @anon I think you are over-estimating my power against the supermarket giants!

  5. Curious as to whether the Dame has been consulted by the team turning up in Deptford on market days to consult on 'Deptford Town Centre' improvements?
    A chance to contribute, to be pro-active?
    We learnt today they have £1m to spend. Take out consultancy fees, costs of consultation, VAT? the figure is likely to be closer to half a million? Anyone around who remembers Deptford City Challenge's £1m spend? Whilst some good work was achieved, (we''ll excuse the brutal sandblasting of so many eighteenth century buildings and the removal of period ( including 1950's chrome, mosaic and glass shop fronts in favour of "Victorian MDF"- Go take a look at them 10 years on, even with £500,000 to spend any amount of further vandalism may be achieved in the name of Improvement and do we still say, Regeneration? enough already I am suffocating on my own cynicism, but let's watch these guys they may be the same team responsible for the Deptford Town Centre Parking Mall......

  6. So what can we do about it? has palnning already accepted the application, does anyone know?


  7. @dawn the planning application for the building would have included retail use for this part of it - whether it be Costcutter, Tesco's or M&S.
