Wednesday, 6 January 2010

Proposal to list the remains of the Royal Dockyard at Deptford

Greenwich Industrial History blog has published a detailed and very interesting proposal to list the remains of the Royal Dockyard at Deptford. There is no information about the author, but it is worth reading with the proposed development at Convoy's Wharf in mind.

As it explains, all indications are that the dock structures remain largely intact below the surface. The redevelopment should be regarded as an excellent opportunity to investigate these claims and uncover what could prove an extremely significant and extensive part of Deptford's maritime history - not to mention British history.


  1. Yes, quite where that comes from is a bit of a mystery: the first GIH posting was asking for more information, saying that they believed it originated in Deptford. It looks like they've had a bit more information since then - hence the re-post - but they haven't told us anything more.

    It's potentially a wonderful project: coming across those Giffen Street well-heads (if that's what they were) that were uncovered before being hidden again made me think about how much history there was under our feet. And I'm sure that a big posse of archaeological students would do most of the excavating for free - so it could be viable even in a recession.

  2. It would be great to explore whether any of the remains could be permanently exposed and displayed - could be a real draw for Deptford and much more enriching and interesting than generic new housing developments!

  3. I wonder....shipwrights palace left a post on this blog - 6th post on your Lee Valley post just after Christmas. It looks connected to me.

  4. As well as all the dockyard features that certainly deserve to be listed and incorporated into the development plans in a much more integrated and creative way, there is also the site of Sayes Court manor house and the renowned gardens of John Evelyn under the current site of Convoys Wharf. None of this history will be visible after the proposed development, and a great deal of it will be destroyed, probably after hurried, minimal archaeological excavations.

    Just as most of the dockyard features are intact under the current ground surface, the house and garden layout are also probably recoverable - and we have incredibly detailed descriptive plans drawn up by Evelyn himself to refer to. This could be a great chance for a garden restoration of national importance, creating a unique asset that would attract visitors and provide much-needed green space in the new development.

  5. shipwright's palace7 January 2010 at 18:39

    Damers, no attempt at subterfuge was made. GIH received the document via Naval Dockyard Society. But good detective work Marmoset, the work does indeed originate from Shipwright's Palace.
