Saturday, 7 November 2009

Deptford film club

Are you an avid film-goer? Do you get sick of traipsing to Greenwich, Surrey Quays or Canary Wharf to see a film? Bored of getting the DVDs from the bottom of your list on Lovefilm?

A couple of Deptford residents are hoping to set up a film club in the area which would show something a bit different to the standard fayre: 'classic films, world cinema, art films, that sort of thing'.

It would be 'a Deptford version of Bethnal Green's Close Up but less austere' they say.

And they want to know if you are interested in the idea, and what sort of films you would like to see!

Visit the blog here, or go straight to the online survey here.

The first screening is intended to take place in December or January, although venue and film are yet to be decided. Get along to the survey and have your say!


  1. Great idea for Deptford. Incidentally, Bermondsey now has an independent cinema called Shortwave, in Bermondsey Square. It's cheaper than the Odeon at Surrey Quays and Greenwich Picture House.

  2. Thanks for that Greg. The link is

  3. Thanks very much for the mention, Dame. Will keep you updated about Deptford Film Club's progress.
