Monday, 16 November 2009

Cosi filming at St Paul's church?

News on the grapevine that there will be filming in St Paul's church tomorrow for Cosi, I presume it is this romcom starring Richard E Grant and Sarah Brightman. I don't know whether either of them will be present though.


  1. It's amazing how much filming takes place in south-east London. Last week, Clint Eastwood was on the Heygate Estate, near the Elephant. And part of Harry Brown, the new Michael Caine movie was also shot there.

  2. So, was there filming or not at St Pauls? There should be, its gorgeous there! And as for Clint Eastwoord - interesting! Do we have any proof of this in terms of media attention? I write a newsletter that could use this sort of scoop...

  3. I think Clint's presence at the Heygate has been documented already, it was a few weeks ago. Filming took place at St Paul's, they had a Routemaster bus in attendance most of the day; sure sign of a romcom!
