Monday, 19 October 2009

Battery recycling/energy monitors

If, like me, you feel a bit silly going to Landmann Way with a handful of household batteries, or have to make a special trip Across the Border to Greenwich to drop your batteries into a recycling box, fret no more!

A post on the Green Ladywell blog alerted me to the fact that Lewisham Council is to put battery recycling boxes in its libraries after teaming up with Battery Back.

The Battery Back site is worth a look if you want to know where the old batteries go, and also if you live outside Lewisham it provides a map showing the nearest collection points to your postcode.

Our household is trying to gradually move across to rechargeable batteries. We are slowly getting there but not helped by the fact that the other day I accidentally disposed of some rechargeable batteries :-(

While you're down the library and thinking green thoughts, you might also want to take advantage of the council's scheme for lending 'smart meter' energy monitors. You can borrow them from the library, much like a library book and also free of charge. Use them to see what kind of energy each of your appliances is using, and to work out where you can save the most energy/money.


  1. I have a very heavy bag of used batteries that I occasionally used it as a door stopper. That's either recycling or reusing isn't it?
    I'll bring them to the library anyway, although they may end up recycled as door stoppers after all.

  2. Where is the across the border site in Greenwich, please??

  3. There is a little pink box next to the other recycling bins at the base of the big tower block at the corner of Norman Road/Haddo St. That's where I usually go.

  4. I have been recycling my batteries ever since I had seen the box at my public library. Although the library recycles them for me, I only found this out "by chance". I think that there should be more places to recycle them, and more spotlight on such things. Paper is biodegradable, but batteries and plastic bottles are big problems and are unsafe for the environment. I believe that we really need to let more people know about recycling availability.
