Sunday, 24 May 2009

New market in Deptford

Make a date with the new market that is due to be launched next to the Deptford Project cafe on Saturday 6 June from 10am until 5.30pm. We are promised 'Vintage fashion, arts and crafts, world street food, furniture and bespoke items from local designers.'

Meanwhile, if you haven't been to the Deptford Project cafe for a while, it's worth popping back in to try out the new sofa and the rearranged interior. One of the things that I didn't like about the interior of the carriage was the arrangement of the tables - all in one long row down the centre of the carriage with stools along the side. It meant it was often difficult to get past other customers and their shopping if the only seats free were at the far end, and I'm sure it was a pain for the cafe staff who had to negotiate the set-up carrying plates of food and hot drinks.

Now the tables have been turned by 90 degrees and pushed up against the side of the carriage along one edge, creating smaller, more intimate seating arrangements where you are more likely to get a bit of privacy and which are much easier to negotiate.

The 'piece de resistance' is a new sofa and coffee table at the far end of the carriage to enable a bit of lounging - the sofa is a second-hand item which has been re-covered using a variety of very kitsch tea towels and old fabric. Well worth a visit just to see it!

1 comment:

  1. I'm looking forward to the new market - and agree that the change in seating plan is a big improvement, although I haven't tried the sofa yet!
