Sunday, 6 April 2008

Latest on the train carriage

The railway carriage which is to become our new cafe has been re-graffitied. I admit I'm rather disappointed, I preferred the previous incarnation. This is a rather misplaced idea, about a decade too late chronologically, and several miles out geographically.

Anyway, the Deptford Project, as it is known, is seeking local craftspeople to help with fitting out the carriage to become a cafe and information centre. I guess they mean electricians, plumbers, carpenters and so on. If you want to get involved, contact rebecca at thedeptfordproject dot com.


  1. I just wanted you all to know that the CableStreet Artist kindly did the graffiti for this project last weekend as a favour to help us ward off the horrible tagging that was happening to the carriage... the thinking that Taggers or other graffiti artist usually don't tag over a better piece of work. Anyway we have allowed CableStreet to use the carriage as a canvas for them to be creative until we get our actual and final design up, which will be in a few weeks time. They will be back to paint new characters this weekend.. so lets see what they come up with. I have asked if they could maybe spray up Spike Milligan... Any other suggestions ??

  2. Sorry I didnt really want to post as anonymous I'm rebecca working on the detford project my e-mail is speak or see you soon

  3. Thanks Rebecca for clarifying that, it's certainly an improvement on the grotty tags that showed up soon after the carriage arrived, and I look forward to seeing what the artists come up with for the final design. I'll put my thinking cap on....

  4. Will the cafe be vegan like the lovely Rootmaster (converted Routemaster bus / cafe)

  5. Glad to hear that the current "Del Boy" design is not the final one!

  6. How about a google eye view of some local landmarks, and thier own additions.
