Monday, 21 January 2008

Deptford park redevelopment & farmer's market

This Sunday 27 January, get yourself down to Deptford Park for a chance to have your say on the council's future plans for the park.

It seems like only yesterday that they were planning to build houses on it, I trust that the new proposals represent an improvement on this idea!

Plans and drawings will be available to view in the Early Years Pavilion building from 12 till 4 on Sunday; apparently these are the result of 'intensive' consultation last November. They are intending to have the first phase completed by the end of March this year - that's pretty good going, although maybe not if the first phase involves planting some bulbs.

(Sorry I can't be more specific, I couldn't find any more information about these plans either on the council website or on the website of Groundwork, the environmental regeneration organisation that is involved.)

They also want your input regarding the long-term future of the park, so get down there and get your voice heard. After all, they've got £50k to spend so it might be worth a look if you've got any thoughts on what is needed.
More info here.

I'm not going to be able to make it this weekend, but I was excited to see that the event is planned to coincide with the first Deptford Farmers' Market! It will be great if this becomes a regular thing - I'm not sure what the plans are, perhaps one of my kind readers could enlighten me if they know, or if they manage to get down there this weekend. Sadly I'm going to be out of town this Sunday, but I hope to take advantage of the market if it becomes a regular thing.

1 comment:

  1. A farmers' market in Deptford? Has the world gone mad?! :-) Still, I suppose if Peckham can support one, Deptford can. Shame it's all the way up in Deptford Park rather than somewhere more central, though. Although having said that, those of us living in central Deptford do have the market three days a week, so a fourth day might have been a bit much.
