Wednesday, 30 January 2008

Consultation part III

This latest press release from Lewisham Council sets the scene for some MORE consultation! Great to see so much effort being expended on improving facilities in Deptford; hopefully we'll soon get to the bit where we stop talking and start doing!

"Plans for the proposed development of Deptford Town Centre are due to go on public display next Friday 8 and Saturday 9 February.

The plans aim to transform the area around Deptford High Street and create a new community focus. Features include a new public library and council access point, a modern café and a new home for Tidemill Primary School.

The exhibition, to be set in Giffin Square, will take place from 12-8pm on Friday 8 February and 10am-4pm on Saturday 9 February. Representatives from Lewisham Council and the project team will be available to help answer questions and record comments.

Central to the programme are planned improvements to Giffin Square, which under current proposals will see it extended and transformed to provide a focus for the town centre. The square will complement new homes, work units and parking facilities to create a dynamic area for local businesses and residents. All initiatives aim to further enhance the area’s existing reputation for artistic excellence."


  1. Giffin Square certainly needs a lift. I believe they're going to knock down that really ugly mother and baby centre, as the facilities are moving to the enormous new health centre next to New Cross station.

    It's a shame they won't be able to get rid of the ugly car park; the market traders would go mental.

    I always have some misgivings with these plans, though. Deptford's been knocked around enormously by awful town planning decisions. I just hope this one isn't too enormous in scale and actually improves things.

  2. Agreed, Patrick. They could make it miles better just by ripping out that grotty old street furniture and doing a bit of paving! And don't get me started on parking, that's a whole new can of worms! In fact that's given me an idea about my next blog entry/rant....!
