Friday, 6 July 2007

Very interesting!

I came across this site via some torturous route that started when I was looking at photos of Deptford on Flickr.

This site is created by the developer Cathedral, which is responsible for the planned redevelopment of the old carriage ramp and site right next to Deptford Station. This is a competition to think of a name for the development, and the winner will get a hand-built bike from Witcomb Cycles.

I mentioned the old station redevelopment/Richard Rogers' proposed live-work and residential block on my post about Made in Deptford. At last year's Made in Deptford festival the architect told me that work would start later in 2006. Since then, nothing, and the yard has only been used as a storage area for all the gubbins that the contractors need for the water main replacement work.

But looking at this, it seems that things are more advanced than I thought, although giving it a name proves nothing, I guess.

What really irks me, is that the only way I found out about this was through some creative arts network called RSVP that's having a party there tonight. Apparently Cathedral is laying on music, food, drinks, marquee etc, for those creatives whom I guess might become future buyers of the live-work units.

I'm not suggesting that they should have invited all the local residents to the party, they obviously have their own agenda - but I am sure I'm not the only one who would like a chance to win a new bike by choosing a name. Have I seen this competition advertised anywhere locally? Have I buggery!

So much for engaging with the local community. Pah. Excuse me while I go off and wrack my brains for the winning name..!

PS shall I see you there?

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