Friday, 5 June 2015

Deptford Broadway improvements: TFL consultation reports

TFL has published a report into its consultation on proposed improvements to Deptford Broadway junction.

The proposals were heavily criticised by Lewisham Cyclists who pointed out that not only did changes do little to improve conditions for cyclists, in some cases they made it more dangerous.

According to TFL, the following changes have been made to the scheme:

  • Deptford Broadway (eastbound) – the advisory cycle lane will be upgraded to a mandatory lane on the approach to the signals, beyond the left turn slip road into Deptford Church Street. However after further review of the design, the advisory cycle lane across the left turn slip will be retained. In addition to this, the footway will be built out up to the loading/parking bay on the slip road by extending the footway kerb line. This narrows the entrance into the slip road which in turn will slow down motorists when crossing the advisory cycle lane. A coloured surface on the slip road as far as the raised uncontrolled pedestrian crossing will also be provided so that to motorists it does not ‘read’ as a conventional part of the carriageway. 
  • Deptford Bridge (westbound) and Deptford Church Street (southbound) – The advisory cycle lanes will be upgraded to mandatory lanes on the approach to the signals. 
  • Deptford Bridge (eastbound) – The build-out (‘bulge’) at the toucan crossing just west of the DLR Bridge will be reduced to widen the carriageway and the existing bus lay-by modified in order to accommodate two traffic lanes and a 1.5m advisory cycle lane. This will provide a safer passage for cyclists along this section of the road.
  • Additional cycle logos will be provided where necessary for motorists’ awareness.
They are minor changes that are some improvement on what was offered; I rarely use the junction on my bike, so I will be interested to see what Lewisham Cyclists have to say about it.

As a pedestrian I'm disappointed that they are not taking the opportunity to bring the crossing on the eastern side of the junction up to the junction itself. Apparently this was because it would have a negative impact on the flow of traffic, which is TFL's main priority. I have to say I find this difficult to believe - it's not like they were putting a crossing in where none existed already, it would simply have meant relocating it by 30m or something. 

The report does not include an updated junction plan, so I've reproduced the one from the original consultation below. 

According to TFL the works are intended to be carried out 'between June and November 2015'. Not sure if that means it's going to take six months, or if it will be carried out within that period.

UPDATED 26 JUNE: The works have now started, so watch out for traffic chaos on the Broadway.


  1. "bring the crossing on the western side of the junction up to the junction itself."

    Do you mean eastern?

  2. Oops well spotted Bill (and amended). Just making sure you were all awake ;-)

  3. It has started!!!

  4. Love the way they have paved the sidewalk around the postbox on the northern end!

