Thursday, 12 September 2013

Deptford Pearls

Following on from my last 'Deptford Tourist Board' post*, here's a short film about the recent refurbishment of the His 'n' hers mural in Giffin Square, uploaded by Tamistry. Alternatively watch it on You Tube at

Many familiar Deptford faces in here, if you don't know them then you need to start using your local shops and market more!


*Normal service will be resumed shortly, don't think I'm getting soft in my old age.


  1. What a delightful film. yet it does not talk about the origin of the idea. I have always assumed it was relating to the person who built the terrace of houses in the 18th century, Mary Lacey, the female shipwright who had dressed as man during her working life in the naval dockyads and on board ship. She lived in the largest house with her (probable) lesbian lover Mary Slade, whos husband Benjamin Slade lived in the house next door. Was that the actual starting point for the artist or happy accident?

  2. @ Anonymous

    It's good to see lots of familiar Deptford High Street, and Deptford Market faces, discussing this much loved mural, but for me 'the Pearl in the Heart of Deptford' will always be the inspired, and inspiring architecture, of Thomas Archer's St Paul's, SE8 MATE.

    The C of E have appointed me as a volunteer, and expert witness for the Open House, Open-City 2013 showcase, which will bring London's debate on architecture and planning into perfect focus on the 21-22 September.

    Last night at Greenwich University's, Stephen Lawrence Gallery, I attended the Sharing Heritage :a Photographic Celebration of Greenwich lecture, by Hal Moggridge OBE, VMH, Landscape Architect, ICOMOS UK Cultural Landscapes Committee.

    I did my very best to bring Deptford's critical A Deo et Rege Thames Gateway City Challenge case to the fore.

    See too

  3. If I could put lots of like I would do so for this film! It make me LOVE DEPTFORD even more! :)

  4. @Just. Hangsing

    Well said JH, Deptford has a great history of producing brilliant film producers and cutting edge films.

    Faith Isiakpere my team mate from Addey & Stanhope's 1974 London Cup Final team, is now a veteran film producer who premiered his film 'The Algiers Murders last year at the Durban International Film Festival 2012. Faith's work also includes the Children of Africa production with Mr Mandela, Stevie Wonder and Isaac Hayes, and progressive work with BBC Black Britain, Channel 4 too.

    I would have loved to see Josie aka Giuseppina Fazzani in the "Deptford Pearls" film, she was a lovely lady who I got to know when I was growing up in Deptford. My Dad used to take me to Lou's Cafe in Deptford High Street where Josie worked the till and the customers with her smile and genuine interest. Great loss to the Catholic Community where her death has left a big hole in the world...Fatal flat fire in Deptford treated as murder Our Lady of the Assumption pray for us!

  5. Oh wow, I just want to thank everyone for their nice words on the little documentary, I had no idea. It' s very DIY and I had such a great time filming it. Cheers to everyone who appeared on it, who helped me film and the beautiful summer sunshine. Great memories.
    I'm not too good at promoting but hey I'll give it a go- more of my stuff on

    Thanks again to Deptford Dame for blogging this.
