At a meeting last week to select candidates to stand for Evelyn ward in the next elections, the local party members chose new boy Jamie Milne to run alongside long-serving councillors Crada Onuegbu and Sam Owolabi-Oluyole.
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Out: Abidoye |
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In: Milne |
The shake-up is unlikely to come as much of a surprise to observers, given that Abidoye became mired in controversy just two weeks after she was elected. A story in News Shopper revealed that she had been suspended from her nursing job while under investigation as a result of allegations questioning her honesty and integrity.
The revelation was not just frustrating for the constituents who elected her, it was highly embarrassing for the local party members responsible for selecting Abidoye in the first place. Let's hope they have been more thorough with their questioning this time, and that there's no skeletons tucked away in Milne's closet.
How embarrassing can it be for the local Labour Party, really?
ReplyDeleteThey have Lewisham on lock and they know it- hence the complacency.
Basic due diligence? Pfft.
They'll shrug and bring on the next man.
I have some sympathy with Olufunke Abidoye, even though I was running the rival People Before Profit campaign in the bye-election. She was out of her depth - seemingly pushed forward by the Nigerian clique that controlled Evelyn. At last week's council meeting she sat alone, apparently shunned by those who had used her. The people of Evelyn will have a chance to elect honest People Before Profit candidates next May, building on the 23% achieved by Barbara Raymond in the bye-election which proved that LPBP is the only opposition in Lewisham.
ReplyDeleteJohn Hamilton wrote:
ReplyDelete"I have some sympathy with Olufunke Abidoye, even though I was running the rival People Before Profit campaign in the bye-election. She was out of her depth - seemingly pushed forward by the Nigerian clique that controlled Evelyn. At last week's council meeting she sat alone, apparently shunned by those who had used her."
Hi John!
Now would 'the Nigerian clique' be the same as the 'ethnic mafia' identified by Lewisham People Before Profit at the previous by-election?
And will this be a belief in 'cliques and mafias' be shared by your prospective candidate for the Ward next year?
@john hamilton I will overlook the fact that you have used the comments section for a party political broadcast, no doubt it comes as second nature to you, but claiming the ward is being controlled by a 'Nigerian clique' is not particularly helpful to the debate and simply diverts attention from the fundamental issues. I certainly won't be voting for a candidate from any party that uses this kind of rhetoric as a campaigning tool.
ReplyDeleteI don't know john hamilton but I do know this - I volunteered as a teller outside one or two polling stations in New Cross during the last election - on several occasions a fellow teller standing beside me clearly instructed votes where to put their vote - and I also saw existing candidates approaching voters and instructing them how to vote and who to vote for. So I have no doubt there was pressure put on some sectors of the voters in New Cross - perhaps taking advantage of the voters unfamiliarity with the process – to use their vote in a particular way when leading up to an election.
ReplyDeleteSo, although his words could perhaps have been chosen more delicately, the essence of his argument still remains.
@anon you are talking about attempted electoral fraud taking place outside a polling station. As a witness I presume you reported it to the returning officer?
ReplyDeleteI did report it to the representative of the party who I was 'telling' for - he said it was relatively commonplace but he did report it to Barry Quirk (who's the chief something or other) at Lewisham Council - I heard no more about it.
ReplyDeleteI did question my fellow teller about it and she said "that's what I've been told to do!"
This was the election were several other procedural irregularities were reported - such as polling stations (again, in New Cross if my memory is correct) staying open beyond the allotted time (I think that was reported in the press as well), but again, I don't know if any action was taken.
I also went to the count in Sedge Hill school were, and I paid close attention on a particular candidates votes, the counter was missing counting votes with some regularity, when I raised this with the counter and a fellow onlooker he cautioned me that if I interfered I'd risk being ejected from the count by the police.
@Anon if you have serious accusations of electoral fraud please let the Chief Executive know and if you don't get a response then speak to Electoral Services. Then if you don't get a response, post negative comments about our council. Till then base your comments on facts.
ReplyDeleteThis is how things increasingly are in se london politics. Own groups and cliques attempting to gain power by themselves and for themselves. Makes sense really as only takes a small number of people in an area to elect a candidate and much can be gained. Waste of time fighting it now. Seen it myself often. Don't see any change anytime soon and believe it will only increase.
ReplyDeleteI should add the last comment by me is not from the person who commented about fraud as both listed as anonymous. I dont know about that or lewisham politcs, but commenting on greenwich.
ReplyDeleteConvoys developer, Hutchison Whampoa must be falling about laughing as the credibility of representatives of the community of the ward their site occupies sinks to a new low. Meanwhile challenging candidates seem to think puerile name-calling is a good wheeze ! What a bunch of second-rate clowns, the lot of them. No wonder turn-out is so pitiful.
ReplyDeleteMike, my comments were based on facts, experienced by me and seen with my own eyes - and as I said I did report them to people who then assured me that they had been reported 'up the line'.
ReplyDeleteI'm neither obsessive enough nor do I have the time to pursue complaints beyond that which I have been told that the matter has been dealt with.
The incidents did stick in my mind however and I brought them up as a direct result of the 'issues' being discussed in this thread.
And, Mike, as a Labour councillor, you probably be able to clear up any confusion about Olufunke Abidoye being selected as the successful candidate in Evelyn ward despite her withholding pertinent information from the selection panel, why she hasn't been ejected from the seat and a by-election held, and, in the absence of that, why she has been deselected for forthcoming elections?
Here is a GOOD NEWS story for Deptford's Anglo-Nigerian community, and in particular for Councillor's Jamie Milne, Crada Onuegbu and Sam Owolabi-Oluyole. For 42 years Ben Odeje my friend from Deptford school days was called a "liar" for claimimg he was the first black footballer to play for England at any level. Well I knew he was telling the truth, and we have finally broken the story, which I'm sure it will not surprise you has massive FOOTBALL AGAINST RACISM IN EUROPE implications. Enjoy two pages of Kick it Out comments from bottom to top
ReplyDeleteSorry 'Councillors@
ReplyDeletefunny how councillors (Mike Harris) go all quiet when somebody asks them a couple of questions . . .
ReplyDeleteI think Lewisham Central Councillor Mike Harris must be a very busy man, and I can understand why he wouldn't respond to 'anonymous' input that cannot be verified.
My Catholic friend Dylan Parry once had a blog called 'A Reluctant Sinner', and in the end he wouldn't publish any anonymous comments at all.
I hoped that the Deptford Dame & ALL Deptford & Lewisham Councillors, would appreciate my GOOD NEWS story about Ben Odeje my Nigerian born team mate from Deptford, who in 1971 was the first black footballer to play for England at any level. I posted it as an 'Arts Lift' here, because I believe it challenges the racial stereotyping that is evident in some of the comments on this thread.
Father Owen Beament ran the St Paul's Deptford football team when I was a boy living in Deptford Church Street, I think I'll send him an 'Arts Lift' email too.
you're a bit of a doubting thomas aren't you vesper? But please keep dragging the conversation off-topic to suit your needs
ReplyDeleteI'm no doubting Thomas, "Jam lucis orto sidere", I just don't trust nasty anonymous hearsay that promotes racial stereotyping.
In my professional opinion, VERIFIED, shared Anglo-Nigerian life experiences of Deptford people, 1967-2013 are pertinent to this thread, and far from being off topic, & designed to meet my own needs, they promote a much needed UNITY IN THE COMMUNITY news story, that both black and white can share equally.
@vesper I do appreciate your input and agree it is very definitely on-topic in responding to some of the earlier comments. I hadn't commented yet as I'd not had chance to do so, plus I've been busy reading all the fascinating reminiscences that are on the thread you linked to! I brought the story of Ben Odeje to the attention of a friend who is a footy-mad black south-east Londoner, probably about the same age as Ben. Despite his copious knowledge of football trivia, and particular interest in the history of black footballers in British teams, he too had missed this story.
ReplyDelete@Deptford Dame
ReplyDeleteThank you for validating my input here on YOUR blog.
Yesterday Thursday, 4 July 2013, 16:20 I sent an email to Ben Odeje, and Marc Ashdown of BBC TV News titled Fw: [The Deptford Dame] New comment on Labour party de-selects Evelyn councillor after just three months in the job"
Here is what I wrote :
Hi Ben & Marc
Dame Joan Ruddock is Deptford's MP, and I consider that this particular thread on a blog called The Deptford Dame is a very good place to plant a seed of Anglo-Nigerian UNITY.
Roy aka Vesper
vesper has left a new comment on the post "Labour party de-selects Evelyn councillor after ju...":
Here is a GOOD NEWS story for Deptford's Anglo-Nigerian community, and in particular for Councillors Jamie Milne, Crada Onuegbu and Sam Owolabi-Oluyole. For 42 years Ben Odeje my friend from Deptford school days was called a "liar" for claiming he was the first black footballer to play for England at any level. Well I knew he was telling the truth, and we have finally broken the story, which I'm sure it will not surprise you has massive FOOTBALL AGAINST RACISM IN EUROPE implications. Enjoy two pages of Kick it Out comments from bottom to top
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Posted by vesper to The Deptford Dame at 4 July 2013 12:42
@Deptford Dame
ReplyDeleteI hope you, and your black footy mad friend from South East London, will also both appreciate the following email titled LIONS AGAINST RACISM : BEN ODEJE OF DEPTFORD that I sent today Friday, 5 July 2013, 12:46 :
Father Owen Beament
All Saints Chaplain to Millwall FC
Dear Father Owen
I hope you and your family are keeping well, it's been a while since I updated you, and Millwall's Chairman John Berylson with regard to my Thames Gateway, City Challenge development work here in South East London.
As we build up to the 2013/14 Championship season, I would ask you to make a special note, that on the 21st September 2013, Charlton play Millwall at the Valley, and I think both clubs could make this a very, very memorable day both on, and off the pitch.
As a Millwall supporter and former Charlton Athletic Le Havre Tour 1972 player, I have recently been instrumental in helping to break The Ben Odeje Story in which the BBC's Marc Ashdown revealed that 42 years ago in 1971, Ben Odeje of Deptford became the first black footballer to play for England at any level.
This link on Charlton Life, the Charlton Athletic discussion board provides you, and Mr Berylson with all the information that you need to develop the story further
On Thursday, July 25, 2013 from 3:00 PM to 5:00 PM I will be attending the following Kick It Out event in London :
Embrace diversity....and build your winning team
7 Bedford Row
WC1R London
United Kingdom
I would ask you to say a prayer for my own individual FOOTBALL AGAINST RACISM IN EUROPE legal development case 1991-2013, that has now reached a critical legal juncture involving the IPCC, the Met Commissioner of Police Sir Bernard Hogan-Howe, MOPAC, and of course the British Government itself in the person of my MP David Evennett, who is Lord Commissioner of HM Treasury.
The following forwarded messages were sent yesterday to Ben Odeje & Marc Ashdown of BBC TV NEWS and I have copied them into this very important communication too.
Kind regards
Roy Hobson aka "Vesper"
you seem to have found a pulpit!
ReplyDeleteI leave pulpits to priests.
Last night, I dreamt that a nice woman was now the owner of 179 Deptford Church SE8, which was the wonderful house overlooking St Paul's C of E where I grew up.
In the dream I was back home as her tenant. Martyn Hill FRICS, my friend from professional working days at Nigel Rose & Partners, a black footballer with dreadlocks from the Moonshot Club, and a stern looking policewoman asking for my ID card, also featured in the dream.
I would suggest that my interaction with The Deptford Dame blog was the stimulus for the images produced by my unconscious mind. Whatever the root cause was for my musings last night, I do believe that The Deptford Dame blog is a valuable & inspiring source of contemporary information for true Deptford people.
For accuracy's sake: I understand that Olufunke chose not to restand. Jamie Milne was not selected over her, as she had not put herself forward for reselection.
ReplyDeleteFirst they came for the Nigerians, and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a Nigerian.
ReplyDeleteThen they came for the communists,
and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a communist.
Then they came for the socialists,
and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a socialist.
Then they came for the trade unionists,
and I didn't speak out because I wasn't a trade unionist.
Then they came for me,
and there was no one left to speak for me.
Thank you for clarifying the situation regarding Olufunke Abidoye. I hope that she will now be able to move forward, and put her very public humiliation behind her.
Olufunke Abidoye's story, and the comments here on the Deptford Dame's blog immediately made me think about Ben Odeje my Nigerian born friend from Deptford, and former Charlton Athletic team mate who for 42 years was called a "liar" when he told people that he was the first black footballer to play for England at any level. Well I knew he was telling the truth, and we have now put the record straight
Yesterday my facebook friend Teresa Pearce MP for Erith & Thamesmead brought an article in The Independent by Owen Jones 'This attack on Labour’s union links must not succeed' to my attention
I responded with this comment.. Lewisham Deptford under fire too
That it was Bromley MP & Tory vice-chairman Bob Neill who wrote to Met Commissioner Sir Bernard Hogan-Howe, asking him to look into allegations of possible fraud relating to Lewisham Deptford, wasn't lost on me as a Deptford born man, as it was an 'argument' in Bromley, about the odious NF/BNP leadership using the Old Addeyans FC/Densitron International PLC clubhouse development for their malevolent planning meetings, which began my own trials in 1991, and which 22 years later have now reached the critical point where the IPCC have upheld my appeal against the non-recording of my complaint against the Met Commissioner Sir Bernard Hogan-Howe, by Stephen Greenhalgh the Deputy Mayor for Policing & Crime.
It is this overall 'Thames Gateway, City Challenge' regeneration scenario that led me to the 'adapted' poetic introduction to this comment.