Tuesday, 29 January 2013

Local news round-up: Silvertown Tunnel, Lewisham Hospital, Evelyn Assembly

Occasionally there's so much going on locally that I have to admit I have no hope of covering it all unless I give up my day job and live on charity. (Yes, bloggers do have day jobs! No, we don't get paid for blogging! Some of us even have lives outside blogging!)

Luckily South East London is blessed with a fantastic selection of hyperlocal bloggers, many of whom you will see listed in the sidebar to the right and all of whom do a great job in rooting out stories from across our corner of the capital.

I'm sure most of my readers also visit these other blogs regularly, and those who do will no doubt have been following the stories I'm highlighting - but if you don't read other local blogs, I urge you to do so. It will give you a much better understanding of local news, politics and history, give you a range of different angles on the same story, and will prove to you just how much is going on!

Save Lewisham Hospital

Unless you have been on Mars (the planet, not the chocolate bar) for the last few weeks, you will of course be aware of the Lewisham Hospital story and the huge march that took place last weekend to support the Save Lewisham Hospital campaign. I haven't covered the march on this blog - although I did take part - because it's been covered so extensively elsewhere, not least on the national news.

Health secretary Jeremy Hunt is due to decide on the future of our hospital on Friday, but there's still time to sign petitions, email him, demonstrate and spread the word about the campaign before then - more info here.

No to the Silvertown Tunnel

Meanwhile just across the border in Greenwich, there's an active campaign stepping up against Greenwich Council's support of the so-called Silvertown Tunnel (effectively a third Blackwall) which threatens to heap more congestion and pollution on the borough and its neighbours.

The proposal is one of several being put forward by TFL in its consultation on river crossings in east London, and is being backed vociferously by Greenwich Council, despite the council having no evidence to support the case for a new road tunnel.

The potential pollution impact of this proposed tunnel have been set out in detail at recent public meetings in Tower Hamlets and Greenwich and covered here in the Guardian.

TFL's consultation ends this week too, so if you want to comment on it, you will have to do so by Friday. The campaign against the Silvertown Tunnel also has a petition on its website if you want to register your objection to the plans.

Evelyn assembly

Finally, a little closer to home the next Evelyn Assembly takes place on Thursday 7 February from 7pm to 9pm at the 2000 Community Action Centre on Grove Street.

Food and hot drinks from 6.45pm, all welcome.

Here's the blurb:

Find out about opportunities for young people in the Army, Air Force, Pathfinders, Police, St Johns Ambulance & Sea Cadets

Find out about a local training opportunity for young people aged 18-24 

Find out how the Evelyn Assembly helped your community in 2012 and hear updates from Evelyn Parents Forum and Montage Theatre Arts 

Have your say on what needs to be done in 2013 and get involved 

The latest on the Convoys Wharf from residents who met the developers 

Speak to Lewisham Homes, Hyde, Notting Hill Housing, and Lewisham’s Community Safety Team