Wednesday, 2 November 2011

SE London at its best

Thanks to Transpontine for posting this film, made by Goldsmiths, about the joys of our little corner of south east London.

Stars lots of familiar Deptford faces; see how many you can recognise!


  1. Ha! This so bad its beyond words. Talk about missing the point. It won't be Convoys Wharf that will destroy Deptford, it'll be these idiots.

  2. Ha, you what? Care to expand on that.

  3. You're so negative anonymous (1) you may not like their reasons but they're saying they like the place and all the time that the likes of you remain anti the likes of Murdoch, Ka Ching, and the whole cabal of thieves on Convoys will indeed do their best to destroy Deptford. What needs to be done is to convince those in that film that they may have to fight for what they like.

  4. C'mon anon 16.12, share your detailed analysis with us so we can benefit from your critical expertise. Or did you just get out of bed the wrong side this morning?

  5. Lovely! So nice to hear people being positive about this area we find ourselves in.

  6. I thought it was alright, I like south east and i like this film. Not sure about that guy in the boiler suit though !

  7. I am with the first comment, to a large extent. I assume that this video is supposed to give incentives to Students to come and study at Goldsmiths and if this is the case then what calibre of students is it hoping to attract? Students who like coffee bars, largely, as most pictures are about that. What about the diversity of the area, the social mix, ethnic diversity, vibrancy, political and artistic movements, architecture and heritage???
    Instead it makes Deptford and New Cross look like a biological cluster of frothy milk.
    It is NICE but desperately THIN in aspiration.

  8. @anon 15.12 I'm not sure the film is intended as a recruitment drive, it's aimed at freshers so presumably is just a nice bit of visual fluff to reassure them that SE London isn't as scary as the media would like to have them think.

  9. Aw, I'm half 'yay, I'll show this to everyone I know' and half 'sshhhh, don't tell everyone, they'll all try and get in here!'

  10. Pretty unrepresentative of Deptford/ New cross IMHO.

    They managed to show the five fashionable establishments, not one street drinker, betting shop or council estate. I know it's meant to entire students but they would get a nasty surprise arriving after seeing this.

    Also, borderline racist, one black person in the whole thing and no representation of the Vietnamese community what so ever.

    This is very poor, it's like a gentrified vision of the future that the vegan hipsters with children named Moon Beam Sky Child will ride to on their fixed gear bikes.
